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Horizon Interpretations

Adding a horizon interpretation layer allows you to draw horizons on GPR profiles, both on 2D and 3D.

World tab horizon layer

You can select the colour of the interpreted line or use a gradational depth scale for the line.

Edit horizon manually

A new horizon interpretation is made by selecting the pencil icon at the top of the screen. You can then draw in the layer of interest. The Erase icon icon is used to delete portions of the drawn horizon. The arrows icons allow an entire layer of interpretations to be shifted left, right, up, or down.

Auto-pick horizon

Geolitix has a powerful auto-picking algorithm built in for tracing horizons in GPR profiles. Use the Autodetect icon icon to enable this mode. Place “seed” points on the horizon you wish to interpret. The algorithm will attempt to follow the horizon as accurately as possible. If the algorithm makes a mistake, you can add additional seed points to re-align the auto-picked horizon. Once you are happy with the auto-picked interpretation, press the Check mark icon icon to accept the layer. You can then use the Pencil icon to edit any areas where the auto-picking algorithm was incorrect.

Auto-pick horizons